List All Game PSVITA
Guide to Find Games: Key combo (Ctrl + F) – later write game name
Note 1 : Should search “1 word” – this will find the correct results
(For example, search “Batman” for “Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY”)
Note 2 : Remove the word ( ‘ , : ) from the search word
(For example, search “Asuras” for “Asura’s” – search “Batman Arkham City” for “Batman: Arkham City”)
- @Field
- &: Sora no Mukou de Saki Masuyou ni
- 10 Second Ninja X
- 1001 Spikes
- 2013 infected wars
- 2064 Read Only Memories
- 36 Fragments of Midnight
- 7scarlet
- 99Vidas
- A Boy and His Blob
- A Men
- A Men 2
- A Rose in The Twilight
- A Virus Named TOM
- Aabs Animals
- Accel World Vs Sword Art Online
- Actual Sunlight
- Adventure Time The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom
- Adventures of Mana
- Aegis of Earth Protonovus Assault
- Aeterno Blade
- Age of Zombies
- Air
- Air Race Speed
- Airship Q
- Aiyoku no Eustia Angels Blessing
- AKB1/149 Renai Sousenkyo
- Akibas Beat
- Akibas Trip Undead & Undressed
- Alien Breed
- Alien Shooter
- Alone With You
- Alteric
- Amnesia Memories
- Amnesia World
- Angry Birds Star Wars
- Angry Birds Trilogy
- Another Metroid 2 Remake Return of Samus
- Another World 20th Anniversary Edition
- Antiquia Lost
- Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
- Aqua Kitty Milk Mine Defender DX
- AR Combat DigiQ Tomodachi Senshatai (NoNpDrm) + (UPDATE+DLC) [JP]
- Ar Nosurge Plus Ode To An Unborn Star
- Arcana Heart 3 Love Max
- Army Corps of Hell
- Asdivine Hearts
- Asdivine Hearts 2
- Asphalt Injection
- Assassins Creed 3 Liberation
- Assassins Creed Chronicles
- Assault Gunners
- AstralAir no Shiroki Eien White Eternity
- Atelier Ayesha Plus The Alchemist of Dusk
- Atelier Escha & Logy Plus Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
- Atelier Firis The Alchemist and The Mysterious Journey
- Atelier Meruru Plus The Apprentice of Arland
- Atelier Rorona Plus The Alchemist of Arland
- Atelier Shallie Plus Alchemists of The Dusk Sea
- Atelier Sophie The Alchemist of The Mysterious Book
- Atelier Totori Plus The Adventurer of Arland
- Atomic Ninjas
- Attack on Titan AOT Wings of Freedom
- Attractio
- AW Phoenix Festa
- Axiom Verge
- Azkend 2 The World Beneath
- Baboon
- Back to Bed
- Backgammon Blitz
- Bad Apple Wars
- Badland Game of the Year Edition
- Bakumatsu Rock Ultra Soul
- Bards Gold
- BaseBall Riot
- Bastion
- Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate
- Ben 10 Galactic Racing
- Bentleys Hackpack
- Berserk and The Band of The Hawk
- Best of Arcade Games
- Best of Board Games
- Big Fest
- Big Sky Infinity
- Bit Dungeon Plus
- BIT TRIP Presents Runner 2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
- Blasting Agent Ultimate Edition
- BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma
- BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend
- BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend
- Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
- Blue Collar Astronaut
- Bodycheck
- Bombing Busters
- Borderlands 2
- Breach & Clear
- Break Quest Extra Evolution
- Break Quest Extra Evolution (Pro Edition)
- Bridge Constructor
- Broken Age
- Broken Sword 5 The Serpents Curse Episode 1
- Broken Sword 5 The Serpents Curse Episode 2
- Brothers Conflict Precious Baby
- Bullet Girls
- Bullet Girls 2
- Bullet Girls Phantasia
- Bunny Must Die Chelsea and the 7 Devils
- Burly Men At Sea
- Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified
- Captain Earth Mind Labyrinth
- Castle Storm
- Cel Damage HD
- Chaos Head Dual
- Chaos Rings
- Chaos Rings 2
- Chaos Rings 3 Prequel Trilogy
- Chaos Rings Omega
- Chaos;Child
- Chasm
- Chicken Range
- Child of Light
- Chronovolt
- ChuSingura 46+1 V
- Ciel Nosurge Offline Ushinawareta Hoshi e Sasagu Uta
- Citizens of Earth
- ClaDun Returns This is Sengoku
- Claire Extended Cut
- Clannad
- Cliff Diving
- Clock Zero Shuuen No Ichibyou ExTime
- Coconut Dodge Revitalised
- Code Realize Future Blessings
- Code Realize Guardian of Rebirth
- Collar x Malice
- Color Guardians
- Conception 2 Children of the Seven Stars
- Corpse Party Blood Drive
- Corridor Z
- Cosmic Star Heroine
- Cosmophony
- CounterSpy
- Crazy Market
- Crazy Traffic Jam 3D
- Criminal Girls 2 Party Favors
- Criminal Girls Invite Only
- Crimsonland
- Croixleur Sigma
- Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo tr.
- Cross Channel For All People
- Crunchyroll Premium modded
- Crypt of the Necro Dancer
- Curses N Chaos
- Dai 3 Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Jigoku hen
- Dai 3 Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Rengoku hen
- Dai 3 Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Tengoku hen
- Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai Library Party
- Damascus Gear Operation Osaka
- Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo
- Danball Senki W
- Danganronpa 1-2 Reload
- Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair
- Danganronpa Another Episode Ultra Despair Girls
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
- Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony
- Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours
- Darkest Dungeon
- Date A Live Twin Edition Rio Reincarnation
- Day D Tower Rush
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered
- Dead Ahead Zombie Warfare
- Dead Nation
- Dead or Alive 5 Plus
- Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Venus
- Death Mark
- Deathmatch Village
- Deception 4 Blood Ties
- Deception 4 The Nightmare Princess
- Deemo The Last Recital
- Deep Ones
- Defenders Quest Valley of the Forgotten DX
- Demetrios The BIG Cynical Adventure
- Demon Gaze
- Demon Gaze 2
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax IGNITION
- Desert Ashes
- Devious Dungeon
- Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate
- Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
- Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory
- Digimon World Next Order
- Dino Dinis Kick Off Revival
- Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention
- Disgaea 4 A Promise Revisited
- Disney Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two
- Disney Infinity 2.0 Play Without Limits
- Divekick
- DJMAX Technika Tune
- Doctor Who The Eternity Clock
- Dogimegi Inryoku Chan Love & Peace
- Doki Doki Universe
- Dokuro
- Dont Die Mr Robot
- Dont Starve Giant Edition
- Doodle Devil
- Doodle God
- Doodle Kingdom
- Downwell
- Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z
- Dragon Fantasy Book 2
- Dragon Fantasy Book I
- Dragon Fin Soup
- Dragon Quest Builders
- Dragon Quest Heroes 2
- Dragons Crown
- Dragooned
- DRAMAtical Murder recode
- Draw Slasher
- Dream C Club Zero Portable
- Drive Girls
- Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition
- Dungeon Hunter Alliance
- Dungeon Punks
- Dungeon Travelers 2 The Royal Library & The Monster Seal
- DustForce
- DYING Reborn
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition
- Dynasty Warriors Godseekers
- Dynasty Warriors Next
- Earth Defense Force 2 Invaders from Planet Space
- Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable
- Earth Defense Forces 3 Portable
- Ebikore + Amagami
- Ecolibrium
- Eiyuu Densetsu Ao no Kiseki Evolution
- Eiyuu Densetsu Sen no Kiseki
- Eiyuu Densetsu Sora no Kiseki SC Evolution
- Eiyuu Densetsu Sora no Kiseki the 3rd Evolution
- Eiyuu Densetsu Zero no Kiseki Evolution
- Eiyuu Senki The World Conquest
- Element4l
- Energy Balance
- Energy Cycle
- Energy Invasion
- Entwined
- Escape Plan
- Escape Vektor
- Ethan Meteor Hunter
- EVE Burst Error R
- Everybodys Golf
- Exiles End
- Exist Archive The Other Side of The Sky
- Exstetra
- F1 2011
- Factotum 90
- Fairune
- Fallen Legion Flames of Rebellion
- Fantasy Hero Unsigned Legacy
- Farming Simulator
- Farming Simulator 14
- Farming Simulator 16
- Farming Simulator 18
- Fast Striker
- Fat Princess Piece of Cake
- Fate Hollow Ataraxia
- Fate Stay Night Realta Nua
- Fate/Extella The Umbral Star
- Fernz Gate
- Fez
- Fieldrunners 2
- FIFA 13
- FIFA 14
- FIFA 15 Legacy Edition
- FIFA 17 PSVita MOD
- FIFA 19 Mod Final
- FIFA Soccer 2018 MOD
- FIFA World Cup RUSIA 2018 MOD
- Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
- Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster
- Final Horizon
- Flame Over
- Floating Cloud God Saves the Pilgrims in HD
- flOw
- Flower
- Flowers Toki Hen
- Flying Hamster HD
- Football Manager Classic 2014
- Forma 8
- Fort Defense North Menace
- Foul Play (MAI) [USA]
- Freedom Wars
- Frobisher Says
- Frozen Synapse Prime
- Fruit Ninja
- Full Throttle Remastered
- FullBlast
- Funk of Titans
- Furmins
- Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 5 Plus Fortune Tower to Unmei no Dice
- Futuridium EP Deluxe
- Fuuraiki 3
- Gakuen K Wonderful School Days V Edition
- Gal Gun Double Peace
- Gal Gunvolt
- Garou Mark of The Wolves
- Geki Yaba Runner
- Gekijouban Madoka Magicka The Battle Pentagram
- Gem Smashers
- Genkai Tokki Moero Crystal
- Genkai Tokki Seven Pirates
- Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved
- Germinator
- Get Off My Lawn
- Geten no Hana with Yume Akari Aizouban
- Getsuei no Kusari Kouran Moratorium
- Gintama Ranbu
- Girl Friend Beta Kimi to Sugosu Natsuyasumi
- Girls und Panzer Senshado Kiwamemasu
- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka Wonderful party
- God Eater 2 Rage Burst
- God Eater Resurrection
- God of War Collection
- God Wars Future Past
- Golden Time Vivid Memories
- Grand Kingdom
- Gravity Badgers
- Gravity Crash Ultra
- Gravity Rush
- Grim Fandango Remastered
- Grisaia no Kajitsu Spinout Idol Mahou Shoujo ChiruChiru Michiru
- Grisaia no Kajitsu The Fruit of Grisaia
- Grisaia no Meikyuu Le Labyrinthe de la Grisaia
- Grisaia no Rakuen The Eden of Grisaia
- Guacamelee
- Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
- Gundam Breaker
- Gundam Breaker 2
- Gundam Breaker 3
- Gundam Conquest V
- Gunslugs
- Haiyore Nyaruko San Meijoushigatai Game no You na Mono
- Hako Open Me
- Hakuoki Edo Blossoms
- Hakuoki Kyoto Winds
- Hakuouki Edo Blossoms
- Hakuouki SSL Sweet School Life
- Hanayamata Yosakoi Live
- Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 6
- Hatoful Boyfriend
- Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday Star
- Hatsune Miku Project Diva F
- Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd
- Hatsune Miku Project Diva X
- Hell Divers
- Hello Kitty to Issho Block Crash V
- Heroes of Loot
- High School DxD New Fight
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sui
- Himouto Umaru Chan Himouto Ikusei Keikaku
- History Legends of War Patton
- Hitman Go Definitive Edition
- Hohokum
- Home A Unique Horror Adventure
- Hoshiori Yume Mirai Converted Edition
- Hot Shots Golf World Invitational
- Hotchkiss
- Hotline Miami
- Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number
- htoL#NiQ The Firefly Diary
- HTR+ Slot Car Simulation
- Hue
- Hungry Giraffe
- Hustle Kings
- Hyakka Hyakurou Sengoku Ninpoujou
- Hyperdevotion Noire Goddess Black Heart
- Hyperdimension Neptunia PP Producing Perfection
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth 1
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth 2 Sisters Generation
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth 3 V Generation
- Hyperdimension Neptunia U Action Unleashed
- I Am Setsuna
- IA/VT Colorful
- Ice Cream Surfer
- Iconoclasts
- Imaginstruments
- Imasugu Oniichan ni Imouto Datte Iitai
- Indoor Sports World
- Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
- InkSplosion
- International Snooker
- Invizimals The Alliance
- InviZimals The Resistance
- Invokers Tournament
- Io
- Iron Sea Defenders
- Irotoridori no Sekai Worlds End ReBirth
- Its Spring Again
- J Stars Victory VS Plus
- Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery Episode One – A Bump in the Night
- Jak 2 HD (Jak and Daxter 2)
- Jak 3 HD (Jak and Daxter 3)
- Jak and Daxter Collection Trilogy
- Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy HD
- Jet Car Stunts
- Jet Set Radio
- Jetpack Joyride
- Jetpack Joyride Deluxe
- Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2016
- Jinro Game
- Joe Danger
- Joe Danger 2 The Movie
- Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge
- Kaihou Shoujo SIN
- Kaleido Eve
- Kamen Rider Battride War Genesis
- Kan Colle Kai
- Kenka Bancho Otome
- Kick & Fennick
- Kick Beat
- Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed Battle Destiny
- Killzone Mercenary
- King Oddball
- Kiniro no Corda 4
- Kisuato
- KLAP Kind Love And Punish
- Knobswitch
- Knock Knock
- Knytt Underground
- Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o
- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo Kono Yokubukai Game ni Shinpan o
- Konosuba Attack of the Destroyer
- Krinkle Krusher
- Kujiragami no Tearstilla
- Kung Fu Rabbit
- Kung Fury Street Rage
- Kyokugen Dasshutsu ADV Zennin Shiboudesu
- Kyoukai no Shirayuki
- La Mulana EX
- Lara Croft GO
- Laser Disco Defenders
- League of Evil
- LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes
- LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham
- LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7
- LEGO Jurassic World
- LEGO Legends of Chima Lavals Journey
- Lego Marvel Avengers
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Universe in Peril
- LEGO Movie The Video Game
- LEGO Ninjago Nindroids
- LEGO Ninjago Shadow of Ronin
- LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens
- LEGO The Hobbit
- Lego The Lord of the Rings
- Lemmings Touch
- Lets Fish Hooked On
- Lets Try Bass Fishing FISH ON NEXT
- Letter Quest Remastered
- Level 22 Garys Misadventure
- Lichtspeer
- Licky The Lucky Lizard Lives
- Limbo
- Little Adventure on The Prairie
- Little Big Planet PS Vita Marvel Super Hero Edition
- Little Big Planet PSVita
- Little Deviants
- Little Red Lie
- Lone Survivor Directors Cut
- Looney Tunes Galactic Sports
- Lord of Apocalypse
- Lost Dimension
- Love Live School Idol Paradise Vol 1 Printemps Unit
- Love Live School Idol Paradise Vol 2 BiBi Unit
- Love Live School Idol Paradise Vol 3 Lily White Unit
- Lovely x Cation 1 & 2
- Luftrausers
- Lumines Electronic Symphony
- Luminous Arc Infinity
- Lumo
- M3 Sono Kuroki Hagane Mission Memento Mori
- Machinarium
- Macross Delta Scramble
- Madden NFL 13
- Magical Beat
- Mahjong Royal Towers
- Mahjong World Contest
- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Out of Order
- Makai Senki Disgaea 3 Return
- Maldita Castilla EX Cursed Castilla
- Malicious Rebirth
- Mary Skelter Nightmares
- Mecho Tales
- Medieval Defenders
- MegaTAGmension Blanc + Neptune Zombies
- MeiQ Labyrinth of Death
- Memories Off Yubikiri no Kioku
- Mens Room Mayhem
- Mercenary Kings Reloaded Edition
- Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD Edition
- Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater HD Edition
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
- Metal Slug 3
- Metrico
- Metropolis Lux Obscura
- Michael Jackson The Experience HD
- Midnight Deluxe
- Miku Miku Hockey
- Miku Miku Hockey 2.0
- Mind Zero
- Minecraft Playstation Vita Edition
- Minutes
- Miracle Girls Festival
- MLB 12 The Show
- MLB 13 The Show
- MLB 14 The Show
- MLB 15 The Show
- Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force
- Mod Nation Racers Road Trip
- Moe Chronicle
- Monobeno Pure Smile
- Monster Bag
- Monster Hunter Frontier G6
- Monster Monpiece
- Mortal Kombat
- MotoGP 13
- MotoGP 14
- Motorstorm RC
- Motto Ane Chan to Shiyouyo Plus
- Moujuu Tachi to Ohimesama
- Moujuutsukai to Oujisama Flower & Snow
- Mr Pumpkin Adventure
- MUD FIM Motocross World Championship
- Muramasa Rebirth
- Murasaki Baby
- Mutant Mudds Deluxe
- Muv Luv
- Muv Luv Alternative
- MXGP The Official Motocross Video Game
- My Singing Monsters
- Mystery Chronicle One Way Heroics
- Natural Doctrine
- NAX Music Player
- Need for Speed Most Wanted A Criterion Game
- Nekketsu Inou Bukatsu Trigger Kiss
- Neko Buro Cats Block
- Neon Chrome
- Nep Nep Connect Chaos Chanpuru
- Net High
- Netflix
- NeverEnd
- Neverending Nightmares
- New Game The Challenge Stage
- New Little Kings Story
- Nidhogg
- Nights of Azure (Yoru no Nai Kuni)
- Nihilumbra
- Nil Admirari no Tenbin Teito Genwaku Kitan
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
- Ninja Senki DX
- Ninja Usagimaru Two Tails of Adventure
- Nisekoi Yomeiri
- No Heroes Allowed No Puzzles Either
- Nobunaga no Yabou Souzou Sengoku Risshiden
- Nobunaga no Yabou Souzou with Power Up Kit
- Nobunagas Ambition Souzou
- Norn9 Last Era
- Norn9 Norn + Nonette Act Tune
- Norn9 Var Commons
- Nova 111
- Nuclear Throne
- Nun Attack
- Nurse Love Addiction
- Oceanhorn Monster of Uncharted Seas
- Octodad Dadliest Catch
- Oddworld Abes Oddysee New N Tasty
- Oddworld Munchs Oddysee HD
- Oddworld Strangers Wrath HD
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
- Olli Olli 2 Welcome to Olliwood
- Omega Labyrinth
- OMG HD Zombies
- One Eyed Kutkh
- One More Dungeon
- One Piece Burning Blood Gold Edition
- One Piece Kaizoku Musou 2
- One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
- One Piece Unlimited World Red
- One Tap Hero
- Ooedo Blacksmith
- Open Me
- Operation Abyss New Tokyo Legacy
- Operation Babel New Tokyo Legacy
- Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo Tori
- Oreshika Tainted Bloodlines
- Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai
- Organ Trail Complete Edition
- Orgarhythm
- Othello
- Owari no Seraph Unmei no Hajimari
- Paint Park
- Papers Please
- Paranautical Activity
- Pato Box
- Penny Punching Princess
- Period Cube Shackles of Amadeus
- Persona 4 Dancing All Night
- Persona 4 Golden
- Phantasy Star Nova
- Phantasy Star Online 2
- Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds
- Phineas and Ferb Day of Doofenshmirtz
- Photo Kano Kiss
- Pic A Pix Pieces
- Pinball Heroes Complete
- Pix The Cat
- Pixel Hunter
- Pixel Junk Monsters Ultimate HD
- PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
- Plague Road
- Plants vs Zombies
- Plastic Memories
- PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale
- PlayStation Vita Pets
- Pocket RPG
- Polara
- Poltergeist A Pixelated Horror
- Power Smash 4
- Pox Nora
- Prince of Stride
- Princess Arthur
- Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2015
- Project Root
- Proteus
- Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
- Psychedelica of The Black Butterfly
- PSYCHO PASS Mandatory Happiness
- Puddle
- PulzAR
- Pumped BMX Plus
- Punch Line
- Putty Squad
- Puyo Puyo Tetris
- Puzzle by Nikoli V Sudoku
- Qbert Rebooted
- Quell Memento
- Rabi Ribi
- Race the Sun
- Radio Hammer Station
- Ragnarok Odyssey
- Ragnarok Odyssey ACE
- Rainbow Moon
- Rainbow Skies
- Ratchet & Clank 2
- Ratchet & Clank 3
- Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault
- Ratchet & Clank Q Force
- Ray Gigant
- Rayman Legends
- Rayman Legends & Rayman Origins
- Rayman Origins
- Real Boxing
- Reality Fighters
- Rear Pheles Red of Another
- RecoLove Blue Ocean
- Red Game Without a Great Name
- Reel Fishing Masters Challenge
- Refrain no Chika Meikyuu to Majo no Ryodan
- Resident Evil Revelations 2
- Resistance Burning Skies
- Resogun
- Retro City Rampage
- Revenant Dogma
- Revenant Saga
- Reverie
- Riddled Corpses EX
- Ridge Racer
- Risk of Rain
- Ro Kyu Bu Naisho no Shutter Chance
- Robotics Notes Elite
- Rock Boshers DX Directors Cut
- Rocketbirds 2 Evolution
- Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken
- Rogue Aces
- Rogue Legacy
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack Bundle
- Romancing SaGa 2
- Root Double Before Crime After Days Xtend Edition
- Root Letter
- Rose to Tasogare no Kojou
- Roundabout
- Royal Defense
- Rui wa Tomo o Yobu
- Run Like Hell
- Run Sackboy Run
- Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Blessing Flowers
- Saki Zenkoku hen
- Saki Zenkoku hen Plus
- Sakura Sou no Pet na Kanojo
- Salt and Sanctuary
- Samurai Shodown V Special
- Samurai Warriors 4
- Samurai Warriors 4 Empires
- Samurai Warriors 4-II
- Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3
- Saturday Morning RPG
- Save the Ninja Clan
- Sayonara Umihara Kawase Plus
- SD Gundam G Generation Genesis
- Secret of Mana
- Semispheres
- Sengoku Musou 2 with Moushouden & Empires HD Version
- Sengoku Musou 4
- Senjou no Waltz
- Senran Kagura Bon Appetit
- SENRAN KAGURA Bon Appetit Stacked Soundtrack
- Senran Kagura Estival Versus
- Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
- Severed
- Shake Spears
- Shallie no Atelier Plus Tasogare no Umi no Renkinjutsushi
- Shantae Half Genie Hero
- Shin Gundam Musou
- Shin Hayarigami
- Shin Hayarigami 2
- Shin Kamaitachi no Yoru 11 Hitome no Suspect
- Shingeki no Kyojin 2 (Attack on Titan 2)
- Shinobido 2 Revenge of Zen
- Shinsouhan Heart no Kuni no Alice Wonderful Wonder World
- Shiren The Wanderer The Tower of Fortune and The Dice of Fate
- Shovel Knight
- Shu
- Shutshimi
- Sid Meiers Civilization Revolution 2 Plus
- Silent Hill Book of Memories
- SIMPLE V Series Vol 2 The Tousou Highway Full Boost Nagoya Tokyo Gekisou 4 Jikan
- Sine Mora
- Siralim
- Siralim 2
- Skeleton Rider
- Skullgirls 2nd Encore
- Sky Force Anniversary
- Skylight Freerange
- Skylight Freerange 2 Gachduine
- Slain Back from Hell
- Sly 2 Band of Thieves
- Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves
- Sly Cooper and The Thievius Raccoonus
- Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
- Smart as
- Sokoban Next
- Soldner X 2 Final Prototype
- Son of Scoregasm
- Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
- Sorcery Saga The Curse of the Great Curry God
- Soul Sacrifice
- Soul Sacrifice Delta
- Sound Shapes
- Sousei no Onmyouji
- Soushuu Senshinkan Gakuen Hachimyoujin Ten no Koku
- Space Hulk
- Space Overlords
- Spacejacked
- Sparkle
- Sparkle 2
- Sparkle Unleashed
- Spellspire
- Spelunky
- Spheroids
- Spider Rite of the Shrouded Moon
- Spiral Splatter
- SpongeBob HeroPants
- Spy Chameleon
- Spy Hunter
- Squareboy vs Bullies Arena Edition
- Star Drone Extreme
- Star Ocean Second Evolution
- Stardew Valley
- Starlight Inception
- Stealth Inc 2 A Game Of Clones
- Stealth Inc A Clone in the Dark
- Steamworld Dig
- SteamWorld Dig 2
- Steamworld Heist
- Steins Gate
- Steins Gate 0
- Steins Gate Hiyoku Renri no Darling
- Steins Gate Senkei Kousoku no Phenogram
- Stick It To The Man
- Still Time
- Stranded A Mars Adventure
- Stranger of Sword City
- Stranger of Sword City Revisited
- Street Fighter X Tekken
- Strike Solitaire
- Strike Solitaire 2
- Sumioni Demon Arts
- Summon Night 6 Lost Borders
- Sun Flowers
- Super Blast Deluxe
- Super Destronaut DX
- Super Exploding Zoo
- Super Hero Generation
- Super Heroine Chronicle Chou Heroine Senki
- Super Hydorah
- Super Meat Boy
- Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz
- Super Mutant Alien Assault
- Super Robot Taisen HD Remake
- Super Robot Wars V
- Super Robot Wars X
- Super Skull Smash GO 2 Turbo
- Super Star Wars
- Super Stardust Delta
- Super Time Force Ultra
- Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls
- Superfrog HD
- Supermagical
- Supremacy MMA Unrestricted
- Surge Deluxe
- Swap Quest
- Sweet Clown Gozen Sanji no Okashi na Doukeshi
- Switch Galaxy Ultra
- Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment
- Sword Art Online Hollow Realization
- Sword Art Online Lost Song
- Table Football
- Table Ice Hockey
- Table Mini Golf
- Table Top Racing
- Taco Master
- Tadeo Jones
- Tadeo Jones y el Manuscrito Perdido
- Taiko no Tatsujin V Version
- Tales from Space Mutant Blobs Attack
- Tales of Hearts R
- Tales of Innocence R
- Talisman Digital Edition
- Tearaway
- Tennis in the Face
- Teris Ultimate
- Terraria
- Teslagrad
- TETRAs Escape
- The Amazing Spider Man
- The Bards Tale Remastered and Resnarkled
- The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
- The Bit Trip
- The Bridge
- The Caligula Effect
- The Count Lucanor
- The Deer God
- The Dreamlands Aislings Quest
- The HD Adventures of Rotating Octopus Character
- The Hungry Horde
- The IdolM@ster Must Songs Aka Ban
- The IdolM@ster Must Songs Ao Ban
- The King of Fighters 97 Global Match
- The Last Blade 2
- The Legend of Dark Witch
- The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky FC Evolution
- The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel
- The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel 2
- The Long Reach
- The Longest Five Minutes
- The Lost Child
- The Muppets Movie Adventures
- The Pinball Arcade
- The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy Collection
- The Sly Cooper Collection (Sly Cooper 1 & 2)
- The Sly Trilogy Collection
- The Swapper
- The Swindle
- The Treasures of Montezuma 4
- The Unfinished Swan
- The Walking Dead (Season 1) + 600 Days
- The Walking Dead A Telltale Games Series The Complete First Season
- The Walking Dead Season Two
- The Wolf Among US
- Thomas Was Alone
- Three Fourths Home Extended Edition
- Time Recoil
- Timespinner
- Tiny Troopers Joint Ops
- Titan Attacks
- Titan Souls
- To Heart 2 Dungeon Travelers
- To Love Ru Trouble Darkness Battle Ecstasy
- To Love Ru Trouble Darkness True Princess
- Tokushu Houdoubu
- Tokyo Ghoul JAIL
- Tokyo Tattoo Girls
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak Special Gigs World Tour Edition
- Tokyo Xanadu
- Top Darts
- Toros Friend Network
- TorqueL
- Total Recoil
- Tottemo E Mahjong
- Touch Battle Sensha SP
- Touch My Katamari
- Touhou Double Focus
- Touhou Genso Wanderer
- Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle
- Toukiden 2
- Toukiden Kiwami
- Toukiden The Age of Demons
- Tower Fall Ascension
- Travel Bug
- Treasure Park
- Treasures of Montezuma Arena
- Treasures of Montezuma Blitz
- Trillion God of Destruction
- Tsuki ni Yori Sou Otome no Sahou Hidamari no Hibi
- Twin Robots
- TxK
- Type Rider
- Ukiyo no Roushi
- Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
- Ultratron
- Uncanny Valley
- Uncharted Fight for Fortune
- Uncharted Golden Abyss
- Under Night In Birth Exe Late[st]
- Undertale
- Unepic
- Unit 13
- Urban Trial Freestyle
- Uta Kumi 575
- Uta no Prince Sama Music 3
- Utawarerumono Futari no Hakuoro
- Utawarerumono Istuwari no Kamen
- Utawarerumono Mask of Deception
- Utawarerumono Mask of Truth
- VA 11 HALL A Cyberpunk Bartender Action
- Valhalla Knights 3
- Valkyria Revolution
- Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni
- Velocibox
- Velocity 2X
- Velocity Ultra
- Vertical Drop Heroes HD
- Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition
- Vita Quake 2
- Vitamin Z
- Volgarr The Viking
- Volume
- Waking Violet
- Wand of Fortune R
- WanderjahR
- Wanted Corp
- Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
- We Are Doomed
- When Vikings Attack
- Whispering Willows
- White Album 2 Shiawase no Mukougawa
- Windjammers
- Winning Post 8 2015
- Wipeout 2048
- Wizardry Torawareshi Bourei no Gai
- Woah Dave
- Word Search by POWGI
- World of Final Fantasy
- World Trigger Borderless Mission
- Worms Revolution eXtreme
- WRC 3 FIA World Rally Championship
- WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship
- WRC 5 FIA World Rally Championship
- XBLAZE Code Embryo
- XBLAZE Lost Memories
- XCOM Enemy Unknown Plus
- Xenon Valkyrie Plus
- Xenoraid
- Xeodrifter
- Yahari Game Demo Ore no Seishun Love Kome wa Machigatteiru
- Yakuza 0 Companion App
- Yomawari Midnight Shadows
- Yomawari Night Alone
- Ys Memories of Celceta
- Ys Origin
- Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana
- Yunohana Spring Cherishing Time
- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Jukai no Kioku
- Yuukyuu no Tierblade Lost Chronicle
- Yuusha Shisu
- Z Run
- Zelda Oni Link Begins
- Zen Pinball 2
- Zero Escape The Nonary Games
- Zero Escape Virtues Last Reward
- Zero Escape Zero Time Dilemma
- Zettai Meikyuu Himitsu no Oya Yubi Hime
- Zombie Tycoon 2 Brainhovs Revenge
- Zombies The Last Survivor